The energy at the end of 2012 set this soul work in motion. I, Melodie, am sharing my spirit art, the messages from channeling my paintings, and my growing awareness and bond with Nature. You will see why I chose to share the liveliness of my paintings. My constructive ideas are a spark from the masters, guides, angels, and all the other unseen forces that are willing to work with me for my Highest Good and the good of all living beings. They have interceded to inspire me and to assist me in bringing forth my creations. As you will also see, Nature and Art intertwines as the vines (Art) and the beings on and within the vines interact with Nature and our ultimate naturalist God that leads us on this glorious hike through Nature. I am not leading the hike, you are. You will undoubtedly do this from different vantage points, perspectives, and angles. At one point along your hike you may find that you are the turtle, the rock, realize that you are a branch, or even a cloud or star in the sky. Through the course of your journey you may know that the the way that Spirit leads is not outside your body but is an incremental part of your Heart which is connecting you with your Oneness of Being. So I therefore do not take my responsibility lightly to share my sacred connection with Nature. I wish to convey to you the importance of all the precious, loving beings that constantly work for us, with us, and for our Highest Good.
Music is Great White Spirit's drum that beats the rhythm of our Hearts. It is the very thing that uplifts our Spirit and our Soul. It celebrates by announcing the Truths that we seek in our Heart. Mother Earth's wildlife is inspired by angels and elementals to harmonize with the drum. Everything in nature is synchronized to move perpetually as the tiny parts in a clock do to accurately function. So Nature is constantly and consistently at work with us if we are willing to listen. We receive so many grand gifts of Love if we only have the patience to receive them. Delight of dance ensues as we feel music in our hearts by partaking in the experiences that different races and cultures are so willing to share.
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