Path of Light 2000 Reading 3-7-13
This is a glorious event that touches the Hearts of those that have been called to walk and are present. Every moment of the firewalk day is precious! Every moment of that day consume our Hearts and contains Light that we carry with us from that day foreward. We are forever surrounded with Golden Light. Our awareness is heightened. We are honored by the Light Beings for achieving the goal that was meant for us as an individual. The firewalk mirrors Heaven. I was inspired to woodburn a sign and now I know that it is connected to the firewalks. I wished to put it in my backyard; my favorite area of solitude. It says, "Terra Sereno Espejo De Cielo" on one side. The other side says, "Terra Serenidade Espelo De Paraiso". The translation is serene land, mirror of Heaven. (Kanika was curled up and the moment when I get the firewalk mirrors Heaven, she faces me and mirrors me. She sits and looks in my eyes. My Heart was deeply touched during the entire time of this reading). The painting represents what is going on from the etheric and physical aspect. The serpents are healing serpents. There is a spiral of rainbow colors going counter clockwise under the coals. The foundation for the coals is embedded with the trust, love, and acknowledgement of one another that develops and grows to ignite and emerge the flame in our Hearts that connects with the fire. The moment in which our energy is built like the fire and merges with the fire is WhenWe Walk With The Knowing That We Are Guided and Safe. Thank you for leading our firewalks, Sierra. Thank you Gold Mountain Bear for preparing the fires.
Sierra wrote me a thank you note for this painting. She takes it to the many firewalks that she leads. She said in her note, "It is alive. It seems to be a dynamic living entity. It seems to have a life and powerful voice of its own. It speaks to me-- and I listen --!"
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