Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Second Coming

The Second Coming                    Reading 3-12-13
There was a lot of power in my voice as I sang the Lord's Prayer; ever was sustained. Recognizable change is occuring now. I played my turtle-squirrel rattle. Thank you turtle, for guiding us on our way and squirrel for making our journey joyous. I feel comfort in my body and breath; am relaxed. Thank you sodalite for your inner peace. The sky is holding Light and is still. Everything else is unfolding into its magnificence. Spring is a time of unfolding. The unfolding is a connection to Nature (I can visually see unfolding happening in my painting at this point as I receive the message). Thank you sycamore for augmenting our connection to Nature. Spring unfolds with impeccable precision. Military songs that I am getting are symbolic of the triumph of our assured freedom as a symbol of Heaven's unfurled strategic plan. Our outcome is detectable by us as we unfold into the Light. There is an acceleration of this event. This occurence is gaining momentum. The Light quotient is increasing and enhancing our Oneness. Thank you onyx for the vision of our future. We are like a immense field of sunflowers; all facing the Sun, the Light, Source. AND SO IT IS!

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