Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Heart Speak - Preface

 Preface 5-15-13            
The energy at the end of 2012 set this soul work in motion. I, Melodie, am sharing my spirit art, the messages from channeling my paintings, and my growing awareness and bond with Nature. You will see why I chose to share the liveliness of my paintings. My constructive ideas are a spark from the masters, guides, angels, and all the other unseen forces that are willing to work with me for my Highest Good and the good of all living beings. They have interceded to inspire me and to assist me in bringing forth my creations. As you will also see, Nature and Art intertwines as the vines (Art) and the beings on and within the vines interact with Nature and our ultimate naturalist God that leads us on this glorious hike through Nature. I am not leading the hike, you are. You will undoubtedly do this from different vantage points, perspectives, and angles. At one point along your hike you may find that you are the turtle, the rock, realize that you are a branch, or even a cloud or star in the sky. Through the course of your journey you may know that the the way that Spirit leads is not outside your body but is an incremental part of your Heart which is connecting you with your Oneness of Being.  So I therefore do not take my responsibility lightly to share my sacred connection with Nature. I wish to convey to you the importance of all the precious, loving beings that constantly work for us, with us, and for our Highest Good.

Music is Great White Spirit's drum that beats the rhythm of our Hearts. It is the very thing that uplifts our Spirit and our Soul.  It celebrates by announcing the Truths that we seek in our Heart. Mother Earth's wildlife is inspired by angels and elementals to harmonize with the drum. Everything in nature is synchronized to move perpetually as the tiny parts in a clock do to accurately function. So Nature is constantly and consistently at work with us if we are willing to listen. We receive so many grand gifts of Love if we only have the patience to receive them. Delight of dance ensues as we feel music in our hearts by partaking in the experiences that different races and cultures are so willing to share.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Second Coming

The Second Coming                    Reading 3-12-13
There was a lot of power in my voice as I sang the Lord's Prayer; ever was sustained. Recognizable change is occuring now. I played my turtle-squirrel rattle. Thank you turtle, for guiding us on our way and squirrel for making our journey joyous. I feel comfort in my body and breath; am relaxed. Thank you sodalite for your inner peace. The sky is holding Light and is still. Everything else is unfolding into its magnificence. Spring is a time of unfolding. The unfolding is a connection to Nature (I can visually see unfolding happening in my painting at this point as I receive the message). Thank you sycamore for augmenting our connection to Nature. Spring unfolds with impeccable precision. Military songs that I am getting are symbolic of the triumph of our assured freedom as a symbol of Heaven's unfurled strategic plan. Our outcome is detectable by us as we unfold into the Light. There is an acceleration of this event. This occurence is gaining momentum. The Light quotient is increasing and enhancing our Oneness. Thank you onyx for the vision of our future. We are like a immense field of sunflowers; all facing the Sun, the Light, Source. AND SO IT IS!

A Vision

A Vision 11-24-04          Reading 5-12-13

Nov. 8, 2004, I had a vision. There is a vortex at my kitchen sink. I realized when I was washing dishes that I was meant to paint my vision and that my painting is  a past life connection; the power, the truths, and the sacredness that goes with it. I was meant to capture that power and freedom on canvas. I have had many light bulb moments when standing in that location.On Nov.9th, I was going out to the barn to feed animals and my gold (in color) Nephertiti called to me. I began the painting on Nov.10th  I was on the phone with Robert Cisko right before I painted the blue minstrel on the lower right. He was asking me how I was because my husband had just made his transition on Nov.16th. As soon as Robert saw the painting he said that he was trying to describe a vision that he had. He said, "This is it!"  It seems like Robert somehow through his psychic ability set off the new spark of ability within me to connect with my new gift. This was my first Spirit Art painting. I was told years before in a reading that it was as though my art was like a glass that is filled to the brim and that it would run over. My reading: I get St. Sebastian. Thank you for your presence.  Power is set into minds strategically as in a chess game. Each piece has a different way in which it can move. Their goal  is to guard the king and queen. In the painting, the minstrel is playing the harmony and heightens the vibrations that are being worked with here. The intent is to surround the area with energy that will keep that area safe. My left ear blocks as a symbol. St.Sebastian is known to have cured a woman of her muteness. The vine at the top of the painting sets my whole game into motion. This is the beginning of the entwining vines that connect man with Nature. Please read my Preface). The beautiful colors of the sky celebrate the angel's assistance with my envisioned goal in art and the goal of protecting the area that was back then. Thank you hare for helping me to recognize the movements and synchronicities in life.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Terra Cotta Sculptures

sTerra Cotta Sculptures

This is a unicorn that has been spooked by a snake and a space being that is telepathically calming the situation. A study of the  anatomy of a horse was necessary for me to create this scene. I also sculpted the Indian with his colt. I may or may not be doing a reading on  them. Nevertheless, they are still a part of my I AM that I can share.

Indian pictures that I love

 The pastel is by Esteinkraus and she captures the enormous love and the sacred connection that a mother has for her child.

 This was painted summer of 2010 and is representing that my Egyptian
past life I AM is merging with my Native American past life I AM.

The Indian mother is a beautiful pastel by Esteinkraus

This is a pencil, pen, ink, and oil drawing by Adam R. Dyer. I love the wisdom that is captured in this Elder Indian's eyes and the watchful pose of the crow. This picture fits in my blog so well since the gist of my blog is the significance of man's connection to Nature through his sensitivity, and how that connection enhances his spirituality. 


Phoenix 90's            Reading 5-10-13

Pete Fedak is a highly intelligent and knowledgable being that loves people. If anyone really experiences and shares life, it would be Pete. He knows a tremendous amount about Nature and about Native Americans and was an integral part of Warren Light Center. I will never forget a beautiful sand painting that his wife Jackie did at camp or the Ukrainian eggs that she etched. I loved the ceremony that we had in Pete's teepee, the firewalks, sweat lodge, and he was the person that rescued me when I fell at camp. Everyone else had driven off the grounds that night. He loves to give his famous bear hug and loves to hug trees.  He helped teach me to be calm, enjoy life, and to be my weird freaky self. Go Pete! This is funny because I just remembered that my friend Doug said that when I was writing for the blog, "Don't hold back". And I am not.

Drumming ensued with an Indian chant that followed the rhythmic pattern of 12 1234 12 1234, with the stress on the first beat. Then I blessed shagbark hickory from all four directions.  I Am the beautiful lush woods. In my inner vision, I keep seeing Christ's head in an intricate pink and orange
design. He emerges more clearly each time I say to myself that He is there. Osage, thank you for being the wonder of the wind that awakens hickory (our persistence) and our dreams. Thank you moss agate for helping us find the hidden treasures within ourselves and ensuring our personal growth.



Thursday, May 9, 2013

still life and crayon resist

still life & crayon  resist '73

I am sharing with you two assignments that I did in my teaching art class at Akron U. that was required for all education majors to take. I loved that class.
I just gathered a few items that had interesting textures and designs and put together. My favorite thing in this was the papery quality of the onion skin and the colors in the pop can.

This is layered crayon of different colors with black India ink over it. Then it is scratched down to the desired color.

Western Tanager & Begonia

Western Tanager& Begonia            Reading 5-9-13

My inspiration for this creation came from the beauty of the plant Begonia and the Western Tanager.  The wood window frame is oak. Each leaf is placed to form an energy pattern. Each leaf is not formed by chance. I planted the energy by placing the leaves deliberately; even the spots on the leaves that are orbs. The fairies are burnishing the Begonia leaves so that they reflect the outside Light and connect with the Nature outside. The tablecloth is reflecting the Love and acceptance that is in home life. It is the being glad to be home feeling. My son Andy said something synchronistic to me, "Our real Home is within. So we can learn that we are home no matter where we are physically".

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Path of Light

Path of Light 2000                Reading 3-7-13

This is a glorious event that touches the Hearts of those that have been called to walk and are present. Every moment of the firewalk day is precious! Every moment of that day consume our Hearts and contains Light that we carry with us from that day foreward. We are forever surrounded with Golden Light. Our awareness is heightened. We are honored by the Light Beings for achieving the goal that was meant for us as an individual. The firewalk mirrors Heaven. I was inspired to woodburn a sign and now I know that it is connected to the firewalks. I wished to put it in my backyard; my favorite area of solitude. It says, "Terra Sereno Espejo De Cielo" on one side. The other side says, "Terra Serenidade Espelo De Paraiso". The  translation is serene land, mirror of Heaven. (Kanika was curled up and the moment when I get the firewalk mirrors Heaven, she faces me and mirrors me. She sits and looks in my eyes. My Heart was deeply touched during the entire time of this reading). The painting represents what is going on from the etheric and physical aspect. The serpents are healing serpents. There is a spiral of rainbow colors going counter clockwise under the coals. The foundation for the coals is embedded with the trust, love, and acknowledgement of one another that develops and grows to ignite and emerge the flame in our Hearts that connects with the fire. The moment in which our energy is built like the fire and merges with the fire is WhenWe Walk With The Knowing That We Are Guided and Safe. Thank you for leading our firewalks, Sierra. Thank you Gold Mountain Bear for preparing the fires.

Sierra wrote me a thank you note for this painting. She takes it to the many firewalks that she leads. She said in her note, "It is alive. It seems to be a dynamic living entity. It seems to have a life and powerful voice of its own. It speaks to me--  and I listen   --!"

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Paintings of Dorothy Luther- a rememberance

Paintings of My Mother

My mother Dorothy Hughes Luther's paintings were all oil paintings. She took The Famous Artist's Course through the mail. She studied with the well known oil painter, Larry Quackenbush of Hudson, Ohio. She also studied with the sculptress Mrs. Yantis and with the painter Jack Richards both in Cuyahoga Falls. Mom gave me my inspiration for art from a very young age. She would encourage me to make cards and then she would send them to Toronto, Canada to my great uncle Lorenz Merleau (Fr. Canadian) that had many heart attacks. I learned lessons in art that were very valuable from my mother but that went against the advice that I received in school. We were asked to often outline our drawing in black at school.  She always told me to think of shapes, not lines. Lines are merely the point at which color changes. I enjoyed many hours of solitude in experiencing the art at the Cleveland Art Museum. I have wonderful memories of spending time there. My mother took a course in Art History there.

Fall Leaves

Fall Leaves

I was an elementary school teacher of mainly primary grades and I was aware of printing techniques that were fun. So I was into printing for a while. I was inspired to print life sized leaves and use an array of the bright colors that celebrate Fall. It is not Spirit Art, but it certainly connects me to Nature to enjoy beautiful leaves.

Elephant Expectations

Elephant Expectations 1-10-04        Reading will come soon.

On 1-3-04,  I simultaneously had two thoughts, 1) that I had a dream about two elephants rearing up and moving in circles. I was a clown in the middle. My face was white with big red around my mouth and up to my cheek bones. I could feel a connection with the elephants, and 2)  that I was meant to do a painting to lift the spirits of Robert Cisko's patients. This painting is realistic. I sketched the clown when I sat on the floor in front of a mirror. Originally there wasn't the idea of a peanut. Then I saw the trunk by the hands. My son Andy picked the name of the painting. I dedicated this painting to Robert for his humanitarian efforts.

Angel Cassiel, thank you for your presence. I went to my higher self and asked to view what this painting meant to these people and was immediately deeply moved. I asked for the following message. When a gift is given from the Heart, the angels fill that gift with Light. Then the Light accelerates in spreading to others and they are drawn. Therefore this painting replaced confusion with answers. It continues to do its work. It has it's place in Heaven. I ask a MBO, a most benevolent outcome for this painting. My wish is that it gets printed and posted in childrens' hospitals and seniors' residents. Citrine, thank you for amplifying my wish and cheer for others. Calcite, thank you for aiding in heart matters. Serpentine, thank you for the magic that you are instilling and for your connection to Earth energy and Nature. Thank you for raising the vibrations to enable the Light to spread incrementally. Thank you again Great White Spirit for drumming the sacred rhythms in our
Heart that spread the Light.

A Memory

A Memory 12-10-09            Reading will be here

I did this painting of a sea turtle because my daughter-in-law Nadine love turtles. I had no idea why I named this painting the name that I did. It is the evening of 5-5-13.  I just called her to see if there was a story behind her fondness of turtles. She said that when she was a girl her mother bought her an Hawaiian turtle.


Mr. Bert Szabo's cardinal                 Reading 5-5-13

Holy Father, You are the wondrous creator of Nature. You are Nature's spokesman. Nature praises You, Father of its wondrous beauty, for its biological functions, and its patterns of  distribution over Mother Earth's range of habitat. Nature teaches us how to love life, how to live, how to be a loving family, and to be One. In our Oneness, we are grateful for Mr. Bert Szabo's dedication as a naturalist. We as Nature lovers are thanking you from the Heart for your diligent work as an educator, recordkeeper, and as a guardian of Nature.You and your fellow birdwatchers are stars of Light that shine this astute familial wonderment in Nature on mankind.

Thank you cardinal for your close contact and blue heron for your low flyovers since I painted you. Thank you oak for teaching us that strength is also gentleness. Bert is oak. He is one of God's gentle giants in the fields of Nature. Thank you St. Francis for your presence at this time and for your honor to Bert. I am so honored by your presence (and deeply moved). Thank you tamaracks for whispering your sacred messages. I thank Nature for all the love and for the messages that you have given us.


Thursday, May 2, 2013

Vision of John the Baptist

Vision of John the Baptist  (on door)    Reading 5-2-13   
Photo of the painting will be included.

Suddenly, I ran and got the white paint as fast as I could. On this wooden door, I saw a vision of the painting that you can now see. It was pretty clear for me to bring in, but quickly before it was lost. I did not know how long it would be there. I get rebirth and see a waterfall. I also get manna from Heaven. Baptism is the spiritual food that miraculously appears and is sustainance to our soul. This vision appeared to me miraculously. The door came alive as my other paintings had come alive. Ascended  masters look down upon the event of Baptism. You, John the Baptist are planting the seed of Light that will run like the water through the veins of all mankind. Find peace and blessings that flow from Source in these waters. Your name is sacred and is christened by the water and that identity follows the path that the water chooses to take you. You are rebirthed during the baptism. Proceed with your blessing by going uninhibited like a waterfall on an inevitable path that is your predestined agreement.


Peace 12-30-09                Reading  5-2-13

I did a white wash on the background because there wasn't anything coming through to me. It really worked and my hope was fulfilled. I began on the 23rd and on Dec. 28th, I began seeing many birds. I saw a deer and a being in lotus position. The last day of the painting, I saw the other deer.Surround yourself in Glory. Peace Be With You. Listen to your Heart. Your goodness is harbored within and the effects that you reap come to you as a good life of caring and sharing. Then Light shines upon you and the Light gives you deep abiding Peace. Sycamore says, "Peace rains down upon Mother Earth. Peace showers you with smiles, goodwill, charity, kindness, mindful thoughts,   all the good things;  the things that bring you Light. Peace is happiness within and out. You are the instrument of Peace. First Peace resounds in you. Then its harmony and its echoes resound across the land. Nature as you see here is the teacher and instrument of Peace".  Orange selenite says, Find common ground. Let your bodies merge into stillness. Then the Earth in that stillness brings forth good things and also do you". Everything in your life falls into its Perfect Place; Your Heaven. Yes! Yes! Your Heaven! Let your sounding boards resonate, ring out! Yes! The bridge on your instrument is the Rainbow Bridge; Your sound resides in Heaven. This painting portrays the subtleness and calmness that is in Peace. Peace is gentle!  

My son, Andy, walks and talks Peace. I dedicate this message to him. This is his favorite painting of every painting that I have created.


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Indian Prayer

Indian Prayer
Oh Great Spirit,
We Give Thanks.
Our Heart is in the Waking Wind
As it blows the tall grass in the field.
Our Heart is in the Fire that glows the embers as we dance.
The fire in our Hearts is Love for all Nature.
Our body lies on Mother Earth,
to give her thanks; to give her our Hearts.
She clears our mind and cleans our souls.
 Our Spirit is in the water that flows free as Mother Earth cleanses us
                                                                    Dancing Dove

Pink Passion

Pink Passion 12-2-07            Reading- will be doing the reading soon

I gave this painting to my dear friend, Purple Sky Blossom. Guidance told me to use light chartreuse, bright pink, and white for the background colors. The flowers showed me where they were. At 4:25 P.M.,  (the last day of play on this painting), got the message that this painting is from the nymph, Drindella's point of view. The angel's name is Marcy.
 The flowers are dancing and reacting to the thoughts of the gnome, Drindella. The flowers' colors reflects their love and thankfulness. They know that they are highly regarded and respected by Drindella. And so the flowers like to fulfill Drindella's wishes for them to look bright and dance..Waxwing is encouraging the flowers to have fun and be dramatic. He wears a mask. Waxwing is teaching the flowers to look from another perspective. What is going on here is truly delightful! It is truly uplifting. It speaks to all our souls. I love the way in which the angel Marcy appears to be floating and whispy. What a mask to wear at the present time for waxwing! How clever that the bell of the flower is his crest. I could not believe my eyes upon my discovery of this. You see, that is the very thing that makes my playing so delightful & fulfilling.