Angel of Light April '83 Reading 4-23-13
Be filled and surrounded with Light. Share your Light. Pass it to others. I created "Angel of Light" in memory of my mother. My mother always spoke about the beautiful hibiscus in the W. Indies and Trinidad. So I chose them to be the flowers for her to wear. I love to wear flowers in my hair and just realized that within days before I did this reading, that I began doing that again.Then I realized why I was called upon to do this painting. My mother is surrounded by Light. She is the angel that you see here that stays in my son Eric's home. She is constantly holding Eric in the Light. The Light is merging with his physical Earth being, his Inner Knowing, and the process of awakening into Glorious Light. I love you Eric. Acrylics were used for all my paintings. This is a paper collage.
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