Friday, April 26, 2013


Brilliance             Reading 4-26-13

My friend Doug chose this painting so I gave it to him. I think that Doug probably sensed that my painting chose him also. I used vivid colors that I applied with a palette knife. The Greecian urn (lower left in the painting) appeared as mysteriously as a Greek restaurant in the Phoenix, Az. area did to our group at that time. I have never felt so much like I was really in another country as I did in this restaurant at the time. It was strange that I received my food quickly along with one or two others and it seemed like forever before the others were served. It was as though they were invisible!  And I jokingly got blamed for it because the atmosphere was gorgeous and I kept saying that I would like to be there forever. There were murals entirely covering the walls. There were little wrought iron lanterns on the tables with lit candles. What an unbelievable atmosphere! There is a reason that I had this amazing experience! There is a reason that I am meant my AMAZING experience with you. I have had indications that I have had past lifetimes in Greece. There are many meditative Beings in a circle in the lake area of my painting. They may be telling us that we can all travel within to have unique experiences without going anywhere and to seek that ability that we have within. My attention has always gone to the area of the dogs in this painting. There is an odd object to the right of them. Now I am meant tocall on Melchizedek as a spirit guide of Doug's. Similarities are identified. Doug, a scribe of ancient Greece acting arbitrarily on knowledge of those times. But he has learned over time that his knowingis within. This painting wants to be viewed from different perspectives. It is sliding back and forth in my mind like a slideshow. I go into a deep sleep and come out slightly frustrated. Thank you sodalite for surfacing something that was a precept and establishing Inner Peace. Thank you ruby loisite for accessing soul memory to do some necessary healing.


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