Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Reflections of Self

Reflections of Self -- 2003   /   Reading 4-9-13

This particular reading gives me the opportunity to show you that there are incredible synchronicities in my life. I am a 'cellist in the Hiram College Chamber Orchestra. Angels were working with me on the way to my spring concert on April 7th, two days ago. I had been more mindful of reading my body language often to see that I was remaining calm. On the way to the concert, my inner guidance was conveying this to me: You must remain calm during the concert so that you are contributing to the healing energy of the harmony that will be instilled in those that are present. You can choose the responsibility of increasing the Light (a cloud that was over the road caught my eye that was shaped like a spaceship at this time. This is interesting in light of the message that I receive. But first, a little about the painting: An Arkansas crystal in Fissure Mountain picked me at a flea market. It was my inspiration in doing this painting. I presented this painting to Angie Dye in memory of her husband Bill Dye. You can read about the Dye's at: www.warrenlightcenter.com   I feel that this painting is meant to be a bridge between the etheric and physical realms (saw a cloud shaped like a spaceship on theway to my concert). The being at the bottom left is presenting the people to an experience within the crystal. This painting portrays the celebration and experience that is taking place. Each soul enters the bottom of the crystal and then rises as they evolve. The feather (upper left) is being revered in the physical realm from the Indians perspective. The feather signals the soul's new flight.                                                                                                                                                   
It was as though I was viewing a crystal from within. As I sang the Lord's Prayer and sustained the highest note, I thought of the sound of a crystal bowl. Crystal speaks, "Listen to my echoes and reverberations that dawn the Light of awakening. You evolve through our structured resolution. (Kanika keeps looking back to my eyes andfeels the LOVE energy). Harmony is incidental; it has to do with each person as it is conveyed through music. The vibes are pure and for a purpose. We are precious beacons of Light and heal you with our harmony. ( I envision the very outside edge of the crystal surrounded by a thin white aura). Imagine the magic that is within the crystal. Be part of the anomaly of viewing it from within. ( got the word anomaly duringthe night). Crystals are sacred to me. I thank the faeries for their beauty. Crystals, I am in awe of the world of magic and beauty that you have within. Thank you angels for the message that you gave me on the way to my concert of remaining calm. Your message came right before the reading on "Reflections of Self".

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