Saturday, April 13, 2013

Divine Summons

Divine Summons     Reading 4-13-13

Elaine is my sister-in-law who was a nurse for many years. She has this painting and the angel that you see is an angel of mercy that worked with Elaine in helping many of her patients. This painting portrays a great love and respect for life. The birds and butterflies are summoned by the Angel's) energy. The angel acknowledges that Elaine gave so much to her fellowman. The butterflies symbolize God's Presence, beauty of nature, Light, Truth, Healing, Peace, Hope, Compassion, Charity, Thoughtfulness. The irises symbolize beacons of Light that shine over Mother Earth to protect her and show her the way through the Infinite Universe. I get 'oblique'. I think that this is a reference to the edges of leaves, etc.  Irises restore peace. Irises symbolize what Elaine was doing in the process of facilitating the patient's healing or the transitions through which they were moving. I sing the Lord's Prayer and it comes through softly and gently. I pray that the angels, the birds, the butterflies, and other beings of Light be with me for us to celebrate God's Glory together. 'Ask and you shall receive' comes through. I say thank you and notice that Kanika keeps acknowledging me a lot and think of Elaine's sister June that is on the Other Side and that came through with a message for her family when I was at Lily Dale. I sang "Joy to the World". Then I am riding in the back of a car and feel  excitement of almost arriving at the site of an event. I picture the castle of 'The Wizard of Oz". I can ask for anything! Then I feel a lot of energy in my crown chakra and want to cry.  I want my Heart to be free. ( smell a candle's scent of bayberry). Bayberry is a beach plant and I had a beach dream last night. The Angel speaks, "Be glad for the tidings that I bring forth. Blessings are to be given unto you".  (think of a tree filled with apples) - symbol of abundance  The angel is showing balance of God's Perfection and symmetry. Thank you serpentine for celebrating the variety of blues
and greens with me and their connection to Nature.

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