I sang the Lord's Prayer silently and reverently. Immediately I viewed the olive tree and the Mediterranean mountains. I experienced the same feeling whether I was painting this work of art or thinking of this temple. I am standing silently within it. There is no access to this temple. It is here only to be found by someone on foot that is incredibly adventurous; one that is on a mission to seek it's mysteries. The cross is a symbol of our power within. The cross is in honor of our divine aspects. These aspects are procured through the inspirations and reflections of God on the earth plane. The angel is a representative of the angelic kingdom. She is acknowledging those divine inspirations and the will of man to have peace and harmony on Mother Earth. The angel is in awe of the power and is acknowledging man's vision for peace. The angel also represents our acknowledgement and the awe of our God aspect within the physical. On Mar. 4th, 2003, Ella Fitzgerald sang a negro spiritual on TV. I received the vision of the inside of this temple (the angel, the cross, and the long wall. Then I thought of Rev.Mabel Byars. On Mar. 30, 2003, I got God our Protector, how wonderful it is for Gods people to live together in harmony for evermore. I sang "His Eye is on the Sparrow" and I thought of my dear friend, Luella Shade that went to the Other Side, was 96. This was her favorite hymn. My husband that has also since passed asked me at that time if I was going to name this painting the name of this hymn. I named the painting "Vision Quest". Rev. Mabel Byars, to whom I gave this painting said that she was told in a reading that she would receive many angels by artists. She did receive some too and is very grateful. I originally named this painting Vision Quest.
Mabel has the Church of Ageless Wisdom in Philadelphia, PA. She and her family faithfully went to the Warren Light Center June Soulstice Conference for many years to speak and say prayers. Sol Lewis, another former member comes through to me with the olive tree. I received this prayer: May the Spirit of the Lord be upon us with all His blessings and Light. May we seek comfort in knowing that we are in the arms of the Lord and are fully protected; that we go forward in the Light. I pray that man will continue to awaken to our Oneness and the importance for us to share our God given gifts. As we share, God's glorious Light shines upon us through others' smiles. I pray that we walk our daily path in setting an exemplary example of our strong Spirit within. At 4 A.M. ,5-3-13, I received
this, This ancient temple echoes the chanting of the spirits' on its walls; the echoes of their prayerful wishes and of their destinies to the Light.
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