Well wishers are cleansing our souls; our souls are keepers of the Earth. Highlights of greatness pours forth from the garden of Hearts into the golden memories that honor the Well Wishers. Breathe in the goodness; breathe in all the blessings. The animal at the bottom of the door is asking that I tell you that I was presented with the magic of French Creek. Ina Gallagher asked me to stand in the creek and reach under the water, to use my guidance, and to pick a stone (will be adding a picture of it). I immediately saw a rabbit, a squirrel, and a bear's leg. All I did was paint the blue background around the animals. I wear this for sacred events. The fairies want to be acknowledged. They say, "We bring the magic, too". I also get majesty that has to do with this Goddess of the Forest.
The following is a quote from p. 78 of The Last Ghost Dance A Guide for Earth Mages by Brooke Medicine Eagle: "The Aquarian Age is the time of a cosmic pouring of the water of Spirit onto Earth from the Great Drinking Gourd in the sky, the Big Dipper. It's astrological symbol shows a robed person tipping a container that pours a stream of liquid down upon what lies below. This liquid is spiritual water, "The ambrosia of the gods, the nectar that confers immortality." This Aquarian urn or gourd is to pour forth its divine liquid at the beginning of each Golden Age.
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