Angel Transfiguration 2-14-05 / Reading 4-4-13

I called in angels to encircle me and sang the Lord's Prayer. Everything in this painting correlates with the other and with our Heart Center. The painting is one as we are One. There is an acknowledgement here that we are both feminine and masculine within. The clouds encircle our I AM with harmony and constantly bring us Peace within. We must learn to maintain this Peace matter what it is that is happening around us. I recognized the male image first and then I recognized the feminine aspect to bring in as well. It is important for us to know that we have both within us so that we can balance the energy from both. Cheribs appeared around the Being in my painting. Murillo was inspired to paint his famous painting, "The Immaculate Conception" that has cheribs with the Virgin Mary. I also have a friend Marilyn that painted almost the same painting as myself. We both channeled them. It is as though we were guided by the same Source. Mother Mary and the Sun's Solar Presence is sending Eternal Light and Truth to our ONENESS. There is a being that is reaching out toward the Sun. There is a white cat with blue eyes (upper right). The cat is perceiving the wonder and the magic of all of this. Thank you angels for encircling all of us in Love, Peace, and Light. Thank you rose quartz for your connection with our Heart Centers.
Marilyn's painting |
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