Friday, April 12, 2013

Celebration of the 5th Dimension

Celebration of the 5th Dimension    Reading 4-12-13

Jesus, you are represented a lot in this painting so I have asked for Your presence here at this time. I am grateful that Ina Gallagher taught me Essene teachings and introduced me to the Aquarian Gospel. I have fond memories of the wonderful energy on the W.L.C. grounds and my family did a lot of hiking with Ina there. I gave this painting to Ina and she wishes that I say a few words about her husband John as well. This is greatly my pleasure. John was the kindest man that I have ever known during this lifetime. Like Christ, he is so kind, highly respectful to everyone, non controlling, and highly intelligent He not only added harmony in that way but was a concert pianist as well and also did Gregorian chants. I met Ina when she came to play the organ at the church where I was playing 'cello. Angels, thank you for directing my husband, Lou to our home so that I could meet Ina and be introduced to W.L.C.(may see Gallagher's at   Be aware of your life from the quantum aspect: the experiences, people, and events that have been viewed in duplication. It is all layered; peel back the layers. By your choice, you go to the layer that you seek. Bring it all to the Light. It can be for a visit or a review. It may be to heal something. I get Akashic Records. Things in our life review themselves by resurfacing until they are totally healed. Like traveling into space, we can go deeper into the unknown which is an infinite journey. The more that we can see or sense, the deeper we reach with our perspective and perception.

There are many beings in the white background of the "Celebration of the 5th Dimension". Joseph and Mary are viewing in their closeness of masculine, feminine polarities the Earth and its New Birth, Christ. Upper left of the painting Christ's head is behind the green planet and is representing Christ Consciousness. Upper right, Christ is appears again. He is viewing at the Universe. The rays are God's light. The green and red planets are representing the masculine and feminine but they also represent Christ's birth as Christmas colors. There are angels that are present. Thank you to all Beings for your Light, specifically Christ and Archangel Gabriel.

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