Sunday, March 31, 2013

Buddha Heart

Buddha Heart 6-23-   /   Reading 3-30-31

During the night I heard myself say something about repetitive. Interesting!  Everything in the painting has been repeated. During our Solstice Conference that year, Sierra and David led our group on Warren Light Center grounds to each do a symmetrical painting. We were instructed to fold the paper in half lengthwise, open the paper back up, and then drip thecolors of our choice, and then close the paper again. This time when we opened the paper beautiful designs that were symmetrical designs had emerged. Well after I had my painting home for three months, I detailed many things as I recognized them.
I had forgotten what I had named this painting so I also think it is cool that I did this reading right after "Honor of a Timely Gift". It also came to my mind that there is a lot of repetition in our process of emerging God's gifts that we have been given to share. We automatically practice and keep repeating the things that we love to do. Then our God Self emerges through these precious gifts.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

My Familiar, Kanika, & My Other Cat, Shikura


This is my familiar, Kanika,
in my meditation room with my stones and wands.

Kanika shows up when I begin my readings. She helps bring the messages through to me if I am having any difficulty in deciphering them by helping to raise my energy level. She stays on my lap the entire time and senses the time to leave.

   This is my other cat, Shikura. She accompanies Kanika for a few of the readings. She is independent. She never sits on my lap, but sleeps right by my head every night. She is my protector (more male energy by her body language).  

England Picnic

England Picnic     Reading 3-30-13

I am sitting in sun and my inner screen is totally a beautiful yellow gold. The following words come to me: Bring your Light unto me my Lord and let it shine forever. Keep me close to your Heart. Thy will be done. Trees say, "Thank you Sun and all the precious Beings of Light that shine their Heart upon us. Our branches bask in the Light. Our souls are uplifted. Your enlightened messages uplift us". Then I hear a mourning dove that sings that we are awakening like the Sun and announcing that new creation and new life is Now upon us. The fairies say, "We love to live among the ferns and the moss carpeted logs. We enjoy playing among  the light variances and the shadows of the giants (trees) ". Kanika looks up at me and then continued to wash and to bask in the Sun. I feel the happiness for both of  us. The fairies continue, "A castle looks majestic.  A castles' walls can speak of many legends and lore. We also share legends and lore. Every tree is a castle.  (I am reminded to breath and relax.)  They attend to us. They protect us and raise our vibrations. They are giving the messages of their Light and their well Being. Our lives are perpetually strong. We have limitless physical perfection to carry on our tasks. Our tasks are to create and celebrate life in a vivid way. The branches softly sway as we dance". Right after the reading, two male cardinals with their spectacular red (that were close by)  flew up from the ground side by side. Cardinals teach us true self importance and cooperation. Trees and fairies also teach this. I wish to thank Jesus,  my father Bill Luther's crystal full of fire and Light and the sparkly ball (rock) that I was holding. I also thank allthe Beings of Light and of Nature.

The Honor of a Timely Gift

The Honor or a Timely Gift 12-9-08  /  Reading 3-29-13

I sang the Lord's Prayer and rang my Tibetan bowl. Kanika would show up but only periodically stay for a moment and then leave. This is unusual for her but I am thinking now that she did not want to interfere with the energy. Something else that is unusual; a flamingo feather, lilac branch, and creedite asked that I receive their individual attributes before I do the reading of the painting. I feel energy motion (aliveness) in the feminine aspect of Buddha. I get seeking inner strength, feel warmth in the flamingo feather and cry (connection to truth and release of toxins). Flamingo says,"We are One, my dear. We flock together so it is not just one of us that is represented here. Look to us for wisdom and strength. Creedite says "I am One with all life. Look to me for wisdom and innter strength."  My attention went directly to the tiny lilac flowers. These tiny flowers are what make up each cluster (single flower).  I was viewing their pinkish lilac color. Lilac said, " You are each delicate and beautiful and at One with us. Buddha then said, "The artist that created the Tibetan bowl honors me. This bowl in its intricate beauty resonates life and breath, dear one. When I appeared to Vicki during yoga, you had just been called to my bowl the day before.. You realized that I, Buddha, was presenting it to you. I chose for you to hold the honor for me; that your Heart is pure and that my honor is sacred to you. The bowl resonates with the song in your Heart. I waited for the person to pick the bowl that I knew would resonate with their Heart. That is how all the bowls are picked ". Then I held the flamingo feather, lilac, creedite, and wand to my chest. As soon as I did that I pictured a Tibetan bowl that was containing Nature's creations, all of Earths' rocks, feathers, etc. and also pictured energy spiraling upward from the bowl to honor our Creator. "You painted this painting to honor me and as the balance of my feminine aspect". I began this painting on 12-1-08. The next morning I woke up knowing that I had a vision:  A large Buddha should be painted over a moon. This thought I received eleven days after I had finished the painting and received these words that I would like to share:  integration in Light of humanity and the heavenly bodies and the vibrations.


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Loving Guidance

Loving Guidance 10-8-08  /  Reading 3-27-13

I was guided to sing the Lord's Prayer gently as a mother singing to her child. I was also drawn specifically to the animals that are in my paintings. I felt love for  them. I put my hand on this painting and on the stone that is over the Third Eye. I felt warmth. I smelled the wonderful scent of maple as I grasped the log (that I had been guided to hold for this reading). There is everlasting peace. Relax now in stillness. My cat Shikura has picked to lay South of me and has not lain there for a long time. South awakens our Inner Child. There is an Eternal Presence that is whispering the Truth that must be sought through guidance. Listen! Listen! Seek and you shall find the kingdom of God within. That knowing will heal thee. Go in peace. Live your life in peace. That is what is being whispered unto you. Go in the Presence of the Lord to find greener fields. Take the promise that you have made with Me the Lord and hear the messages that Nature gives. I hear birds at this time, the only time that I have heard them this morning. I also feel a connection to the trees that are amplifiers and antennae of the whispers that we receive. Nature touches your Heart and speaks the glory of God to you. Connect your soul and Spirit to Nature. Then gentle whispers become amplified in the Hearts of man. Colors celebrate the whispers of Love.

Monday, March 25, 2013

The Honor of an Apparition

The Honor of an Apparition   4-18-05  /  Reading 3-13-25

I began by singing the Lord's Prayer repetitiously and felt inclined to sing the Hail Mary repetitiously as well. A picture of the Rosary came into mind. I am sensing the peace that comes over me when I am out in Nature. I am connecting to the sacredness of God's creation, Nature. One that connects with the rosary is making the connection to God that is in all our Hearts and one's intention is to ask for grace. The Hail Mary is a prayer to ask Mother Mary to give us grace because of our past faults, flaws, whatever. I had a dream
that was showing me that my faults were being erased. I was watching a dotted line pass through all the rows (lines) on a computer page until it got to the top and erasing all the words as it went. Mother Mary is about replacing a 1/2 empty glass of our ego based fear, guilt, doubt, confusion, impatience, misunderstand, etc. that we may view to a 1/2 full glass of GRACE. Nature is acknowledging all the LOVE that Our Blessed Mother Mary gives to us. Nature is acknowledging how loving She is to them and giving thankfulness for that LOVE. By their gracefulness in dancing, the fairies are honoring Her Grace Fullness.

This is another reading that I did on 2-26-13 for this painting. Before I began the above reading this morning, I kept getting that something is wrong and I didn't know what it was. I had forgotten that I did this reading: I sang the Lords Prayer, (Kanika put her up and then put her mouth up to mine). You are precious souls, Jesus and Mother Mary. You are our scouts as we hike through life. We have many surprises, experiences, and memories that are at work in many minds. "Seek and you shall find the Kingdom of Heaven", glorious and pure with pristine waters. We may choose to live life artfully. Don't disguise what comes across your path,  (it began to sleet and Kanika began washing her paw). "Go Tell it on the Mountain" came to mind for me to sing. (Kanika moved so that her head was facing west) which is unusual for her. Some of the characteristics of west are inner spiritual renewal, visions, and goals. Every color is represented here. Relax and Truth allows the waters to flow that free you. Truth rushes forth in amazing places and awakens as it goes. ( I think of the line that zipped over the entire page to renew and heal me) and our ONENESS. Thank you Mother Mary, Jesus, my wand, citrine, amethyst, the direction west for your LOVE and GRACE.


Sunday, March 24, 2013

Africa Revisited

Africa Revisited   April 2008  /  Reading 3-24-13

I am shown a happy scene of the elephant and the dancers; a live scene of the live Spirit in the African culture. I am reminded of the Michael Beckwith workshop that I attended in Maryland. At one point we were given the option to branch off into groups according to the topic for which we were interested
I picked the group that was working with chakras. We celebrated our chakra energy, one chakra at a time, through dance.  I connected with the Spirit of the African Americans that were dancing with me and for a short time I sat and watched them dance. I will never forget that experience. I connected with the dancer's Spriit. (It just occurred to me that I just connected with the dancers that I painted. That is how they are giving me thanks). I connected with the Spirit of the African Americans; their inward and outward beauty. I felt so honored to be in their midst. They beamed with the pride of who they are. I also enjoyed the sight of their satiny, healthful skin and their colorful clothing. I witnessed their genuine Love of Self and our ONENESS. There is a candle in my painting. It is a symbol of this Spirit. The flame is located between the back feet of the elephant. Elephants show loyalty to their family. I thank everyone at this workshop for sharing their LOVE & SPIRIT. I also thank God for instilling this spirit that is within each of us and the honors and experiences that we can share. Thank you amethyst for linking us to memories of Spirit's influence in our lives. Kanika's eyes and the morning Sun showed me that the whole world is in our hands when we connect with Spirit. When I went to the Agape live service today that is at, Ricki Beckwith was opening the Agape service with her song, "The Spirit of God is Upon Me". I thank you Ricki, and Michael for spreading Light and God's Spirit .

My mother told me that when she was in Trinidad that she contracted dengue fever. She never forgot the balck woman's Spirit that nursed her back to health. The other memory that came to mind is that I used to enjoy the delicate frgrance of apple blossoms. This was when I was picking them in the lovely fresh spring air to give them to my teacher. Apple blossoms symbolize motion and passion. I also love seeing a lot of petals on the ground. It is very pretty. I used to take lilacs to school as well. They symbolize the spirit of youthfulness. Thank you apple and lilac for your medicine   

Saturday, March 23, 2013

River Talk

River Talk    Reading  3/22 & 3/23, 2013

I dearly love sycamore trees. My attention is often drawn to them. Thank you sycamore for your lessons and for your inspiration to do this painting. I had the 'light bulb moment' to capture sycamore's mottled bark by applying wax.
The trees are towering above me and the river is still. I originally painted a swan on there and he didn't look right to me. I am thinking that swan wants to be there but in spirit. I feel a need to acknowledge him in some way. There is another world on the other side of the river. For a fleeting moment, I have my answer. But what is the question?  I am standing by my father. I am a Native American boy. I ask my father, Why are all the animals talking but the river doesn't speak?  I am thinking that the river doesn't speak because it is still. Then my father answers, "It speaks in a different way. The river flows through our veins. It gives us life and it speaks to our Nation. We are a proud people. It shows us the way".

I was guided to put the deer antler on the floor under my bed while the river spoke to me during the night. I  woke up with a childhood memory. My father, an American veteran, took our family to the Veterans Hospital in Cleveland. I was singing our National Anthem repeatedly this morning. Then the river suddenly spoke, "Your father gave you a lesson in Love and Gratitude and if you believe in me, I carry you to freedom. This painting is clearly telling us to be grateful to our veterans and to the river for the freedom that we have here.
I give thanks to my father, Bill Luther, for all the lessons that he taught me and for the love of both my parents that gave me freedom through my time with them. Thank you sycamore, river, and antler for your talk. Thank you carnelian for your guidance and medicine. I thank all Messengers of Light for healing our Hearts. Now we are One, our Spirit soars with Freedom Forever.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Eternal Wisdom

Eternal Wisdom  2-14-08  /   Reading 3-22-13

I sang the Lords Prayer to raise the vibrations and when I sang 'eternal' I felt that it was suspended in air. I held the painting and received the word obtainable.  Kanika curled up like a ball on my lap and had an exceptional contentment. While I am typing this message, my charteux cat Shikura is sitting in the hall and intently staring at me. I am wondering if she is picking up on something that will turn into being an added message. Well here is the reading so far :  Remember the wisdom that has been gathered as wheat for the Bread of Life.  Wisdom is also like cheese. During the churning process of  the ingredients energy is forming the results of the ingredients (which in the context of cheese) is a perfect, circular, solid form. After cheese has aged, its goodness is sealed in. Now I'm going to make an analogy. Our ingredients which is knowledge is churned by energy into a form that solidifies and ages. That form is wisdom that is eternal. There are two owls in the painting. The owls represent silent wisdom. The deer teach gentleness. The gentleman in the
painting is acknowledging the woman and showing gentleness and love. One that has wisdom is gentle. I heard a crow caw during the time I was getting this message. The crow is working with us in gaining wisdom by helping connect us to our past lives. We in our process of evolving have hopefully gained in our quality of goodness (like cheese).  I hope that this message was not too cheesy for you and that you acquired some wisdom ( the substance) from it. This is the morning after I typed this reading. I woke up saying, "There is a reason that Eternal Wisdom asked me to do the reading on it when I did. This is the point at which you have truly acquired the knowing of Oneness and the acceptability of all".

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Underwater Visit

Underwater Visit  11-17-09   Reading 2-27-13

I speak to you and hail every planet member to heed this message. You are awakening. You are rising to the surface as a bubble of air does in water. It is a new world. It looks different and feels different. Mostly, you are seeking to show Love at this time; to show others that there is caring. It's been a long road but now you are coming together as One. Your Life is changing. A bird is announcing the rebirth of Earth, In time, all the stress will melt away and you will blend into ONENESS. You feel safe and are embraced by your Earth Mother and the Great Spirit. Your soul will soar to heights that right now seem unimaginable. This scene is mystical and amazing. It is attached to the mysticism of the time of the ancient Aztecs. This scene is also the awakening and the memory of the connection and knowing of those times.There were gold treasures and secret passageways that led to them. The way to gain access to them was by going underwater. There have always been worldly treasures in every civilization. Art is a wonderful creation. And even if these precious artifacts are lost, man still carries all the treasures in the Truth and the Light of his Spirit. We all have access to viewing and appreciating all the wonders and wisdom of man. They are accessible to all of us. There was a connection to Kanika's heart and throat during this reading. She got up and turned toward me, lay down purring in contentment. Thank you for the glory to which I made a connection. Thank you St. Germain. Thank you wand for protection. Thank you maple for your wisdom and medicine.

Crossing Over

Crossing Over   1-31-07   Reading 2-24-13
I received two messages. The first message came to me after I lit a candle and prayed to Spirit. I saw an adorable little being that I focused on for ten minutes.  Then I received this message before I began the painting. There have been times when you stumbled mentally, physically, and spiritually. There are lots of times also that the decision is made to move forward. Let the energy go. You are well guarded. Concentrate on high thought, sturdy pace, and what can be done for your future. All of us love you.You will be okay as you set sail in uncharted waters.The uncharted waters are cleansing waters that are full of Spirit. These waters are watching over everyone that you love. Everything is in degrees as it may be needed. You wish that you were Home. YOU ARE ALWAYS Home. It is only a small part of you that is caught up in the dis-
heartening illusion.  Do not feel disparaged. This will all pass.  Simultaneously, you are always whole and wanted. YOU ARE SO LOVED!  You have been a Light for many eons. As I wrote the last word the candle went out. There was synchronicity that followed. I read the message to my dear friend Betty Mavity. Within two minutes, my eldest son Andy walked in the door. I then looked at the painting that I have hanging above my statue Hope and  got these words:  HOME IS EVERYWHERE YOU GO. 

The following reading is the one that I did on 2-24-13:  This is meant to be a profound lesson ; our Awakening! The power and grandeur of Being has substance (I am holding my painting "Crossing Over" and my hands and arms are shaking) and I am Truth. A being just touched my hand in typing this. We angels, guides, masters and all the beings of Light are the silence of Nature. Your attention at this moment of a life lesson is focused on the roar and the might of that wave. And then there is silence. And then comes another swell in life. These waves are beckoned by the Earth to be grounded among each unique grain of sand. Everything in the painting is one of the grains of sand. Each grain has its own waves. The lessons are infinite. One lesson creates a new Truth and a new lesson and a way for Love to bond us together as One. And we are our Oneness that glorifies Source. Note that at the bottom right corner of this painting that there is an angel bidding a soul ( a sparky form on a path) to go to the Light. I thank the adorable little being for her message. I am always thankful to all of you beings of Light that work with me and you know that I have always been thankful for you and eager to work with you. I thank willow and my beautiful sparkly brown and white ball (rock) that has amazing energy. I thank you and my wand for Light.

Spiritual Attainment

Spiritual Attainment  1-31-08   Reading 2-23-13

I feel heat in my hands. I am getting 'Egyptian royalty and treasure'. I am also getting that this is not material wealth. This painting is about the wealth of wisdom. I am being told that this painting speaks volumes. You are likely to grasp a knowing from each of the diverse subjects that are represented here. You will receive a calling from these subjects as the are meant for you to work with them. It is important to be still, to be in a place of prayer, of silence, and of seeking for the unseen, reading between the lines is a prerequisite. These treasures are not to be taken at face value. Jesus said, "Seek and you shall find".  May Truth and Light Abound. Shut down your thoughts and in this stillness bring forth the wisdom and truths that you seek. For this wisdom and these truths are stored within the Heart as the treasures within the pyramids.


Incarnation  6-20-08   Reading 2-22-13

Right away I think of a Mother looking down upon the Earth and sending love as though Earth is her child. There is energy that is spiraling upward from the bottom of this painting. Survey a mother's Heart with circumspect. I feel contentment. I am drawn to the lilac in this painting in the area of the fetus. I feel the mother's excitement for the creation of a new life. I embrace the pride, love, and acceptance of what this means for the mother. I feel the total trust, relaxation, happiness, comfort, warmth, and security that baby is experiencing. This message speaks for itself. Everything that is pure is viewed in simplicity.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Tunnel of light

Tunnel of Light  11-19-09   Reading 2-23-13

I asked that this painting go from my mighty I Am Presence to the mighty I Am Presence of the person that receives it and that they be blessed with peace, understanding, compassion, and Light. I felt heat coming up from the painting to the palms of my hands. I feel like I Am above and in peace. I Am aware of my breath and the Breath of Life. Energy reigns down from Heaven. It is abundant and it is our choice in how we use it. It never runs out. Our body is our home that is wired with energy. We choose when to use the switch. If we are willing to utilize the energy in a bright and giving way, the Light travels farther.We switch on the Light by getting in that space of total peace. Then the Light extinguishes any obstacles that are on it's path. The tunnel is our portal to Nirvana. The dragon represents the Light in our God Self, the Light that is in our Heart Center. He is guarding the path to Paradise. I feel that the man is oriental that is in the upper right corner. I was drawn to the shape of leaves that would have an oriental flavor. I am thinking right now that this man represents our Higher Self. Thank you Jesus and St. Germain for your energy when I was painting. Thank you Celestina for shining a bright golden Light over me during the reading. Thank you white selenite, tiger eye, and  blue and black kyanite that is in my wand also for protection. Thank you chinese flourite and green calcite for your medicine.


Daydream 11-21-09    Reading 2-17-13

I chose reds, golds, and  browns because I wanted to do a Native American painting. Although I never limit my paintings to anything. I paint what comes through to me. I prayed that this painting go to someone that had brought a lot of joy to others. I prayed that therefore I would give joy back to him. I sang the Lords Prayer happily and with pep. I noticed that I had a special warmth in my Heart. Kanika was facing me as she lay on my lap, stretched her paw up on my chest, and looked into my eyes. I received the following message. In time you will understand me. I am a painting of layers of lessons that will be peeled away a layer at a time. You did not create me by layering the paint. That is how I function in sending forth the lessons. You see, you have to want to take the time to learn from me. I do not mean this in an arrogant way. I am very loving in nature. You will receive ongoing messages from me. You did not know a title for me and now you know why. Call me "Outgoing and Ongoing". Listen to your aspirations and your dreams. Thank you Archangel Raphael for your presence and thank you osage and spider web jasper for your medicine.


Red Sea

Red Sea  10-5-08   Reading 2-17-13

After I applied the wax to the board, I painted purple over the entire painting. Then deer came close to the front of my house. I had a spectacular view of them. One stood close by and the others ran and played about thirty feet away from where I stood. I believe that nothing is an accident. I believe that they interceded in giving me the insight to recognize what I had created. I viewed the painting at a distance and saw that almost the entire foreground are people. Then I see a person above; someone leading them. Oh! It is Moses! They are at the Red Sea. I realized that when I put the path of sand in, that the path is a spirit that is by Moses side. It is Archangel Michael. I want to cry because it is as though I am there by what I get  in the following message. Archangel Michael, thank you for giving us the Faith and Spiritual connection to our Father. This enabled our passing through to safety and to freedom. Purple represents the loyalty of man's Faith that ultimately freed their Spirit. Moses lead the people out of bondage. I painted this painting the day that Obama was elected. There are other beings in the painting that you may recognize. I sense that they are there to help calm the group of people. Amen Brother Ben! Halleluiah!  The sea is tumultuous, the people and their leader are calm. I held jasper in my hand for this reading, half of it white and half of it a beautiful golden yellow. The white represents the desert sand ( fire of spirit) and the yellow represents the water, the life of the people. I also held citrine, also a beautiful crystalline gold. Thank you Moses, Archangel Michael and all the beings of peace and protection. Thank you deer for representing the strength of Moses and His people by your majestic beauty. Thank you for your yin yang medicine-perfect balance.

Let There Be Light

Let There Be Light   3-21-08   Reading 2-15-13

Good Friday was the day before I began this painting. I prayed to Jesus and told Him that this painting is in the honor and the rememberance of Him. I prayed that Jesus would appear in the painting. On Holy Saturday,  I began the painting. I saw that Mary, Joseph, and the baby are in the lower left corner of the painting. They all appear as One. Then the message came to me that the angel by them is bidding them Goodwill, Happiness, and Health. Also I received in the message that you are seeing everything simultaneously in the painting. However, the painting captures different realms. There is no time only various events. It is significant in considering the content of the painting, that I was guided to do it at the time that I did. It is interesting to me that I am typing this reading of the painting at the same time of the year that the painting was created. On 3-23-08, it is a Happy Easter indeed! This morning Jesus did come to me. He is in the forefront of  the painting and I sobbed the whole time that I painted Him and I am right now. My Heart has always told me that I was with Him when He accomplished His mission on Earth. When I finished the painting, the word 'Golgotha' popped on my mind. I then received the words, "Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the Earth."

The following is the reading:
First thing, I was drawn to the table. It is levitated. From the very beginning of the painting, I saw the water spouting up from the bottom of the cross. This symbolizes cleansing. There is an announcement by a bird that I hear. She is saying, "I bring you Light and cheer". There are variant degrees of light that are represented here. Christ is the Lightest. He is doing a demonstration. Everything in the painting is giving us a lesson. The bird sings our triumph of awakening and having a new life. Her presence is magic! I did not spot her right away because she is bigger than I would have expected. Christ is not speaking. He is communicating to our ability to listen and sense what our bodies are telling us. Each of you will get a different lesson. I am going to share my lesson with you. When I ask, "what is my lesson?", I see my grandmother (I do not recognize her but know that is who she is). She has a book that symbolizes the wisdom that she beholds. It is her instantaneous truth. Our truths and own reality change as we evolve and create. There is not right or wrong. There is truth or non truth. We create emotion through thought. As we create, our Spirits soar when our Hearts are touched. Christ is saying by his expression, do not judge. There is a reason for everything. Thank you Jesus for your Light and lessons and for your appearance in the painting as I had requested. Thank you Ama for your surprise appearance as well. I just understand at this moment why it was that you appeared and what part of your  lesson to me is. You were a being that gave Love and was such an example of Love. You never judged me and you were such a great listener. You always showed respect to everyone. I love you dearly grandma!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Plant Goddess

Plant Goddess  2-12-08   Reading 2-15 & 2-16

I said a prayer especially for anyone that is weight challenged; for them to honor who they are within. During the onset of doing any painting, I go by guidance and I pray for what it is that comes to my mind when I am in the non-thinking space. I began chanting softly and then crying. I bowed to Mother Earth. I embraced a baby on my chest and gave it to the Earth. Then I received the following message:  All the beings here are held in high regard. They are cooperating in harmonizing with one another. They are non stressed  and are in a state of absolute bliss. I kept falling asleep so I delayed the rest of the reading until the next day, the 16th.   The dancing beings are One with the Plant Goddess. We are celebrating our lives of peace and our peaceful surroundings. We appear to you so that we are recognizable, but in actuality, we are much smaller and we blend in with our surroundings. We are biologically compatible and also perfectly aligned in Spirit. The gay colors reflect our happiness. At times we, the plant elementals, work at an accelerated pace because we are much smaller.

Fairy Dance

Fairy Dance  2-28-12   Reading 2-10-13

I noticed that during the opening when I sang the Lords Prayer, that there was an airy quality to my voice. I am very aware of soft sun caressing us (Kanika and I). Kanika is such a wonder to me. I hug her and feel our precious bond with one another during every reading. I feel like holding the painting very close to me. Fairy Dance is inviting me to go to the forest, to the mountains, and to be aware of nature. Fairy Dance tells us who we are, to look deep, and embrace that knowing. Hold the knowing close to your Heart and breathe it in with every breath. Breathe in everything. Do the dance! I received the word 'cannibas' and that 'Fairy Dance' is about its spiritual characteristics, the dance of  Love. It is the acknowledgement of our Heart connection. I go to a nursing home to visit the residents there and I would like to share one of the experiences that is emotional to me. There is a woman there that can not talk. She keeps looking in my eyes and moving her head from side to side with love in her eyes. She is trying to tell me that she appreciates that  I am there. So I told her that I know this. We have all had our own dances in life that were a deep Heart connections. I found that especially in this painting that I had to keep redefining the crisp edges. I enjoy the beautiful pale gay colors that are in the background. It is a cheerful painting. It was fun to perceive the fairies' sizes in relation to their surroundings and to be more aware of what that is like.

Celebration of Nature

Celebration of Nature  10-2-07   Reading 2-16-13

I sang the Lords Prayer softly, as the petals of the rose. The message comes to me as crisply as the edge of the leaves. There are a few more leaves but they wish to remain obscure. I am drawn to the edge of the rose and believe that there is a presenter there and that he is saying,"Stare into the flower to discover my world of depth, beauty, and uniqueness". There are constant variances of light, color, lines, and motion. This is not a photograph. " I am a living, breathing entity. My creator, the painter is alive and her Creator is omnipotent and omnipresent in all worlds. Each flower is My world and if you come unto Me, magic and gifts are given". The flower and the reading of the painting are both created in beauty and simplicity.

I love this picture that I brought from
Jerome, Az. that is near Sedona. Fairies,
thank you for the magic within that you
instill in all of us.

Pink Magic

Pink Magic  2-19-08   Reading 1-29-13

It is tangible to placate this offering (painting) of gratitude to the beings that live in this forest. They curtail their thoughts to placate energy of being in their shapeshifting matrixes of freedom. Listen carefully to enhance the great teachings (the lore) and the magic that are available here. Sprites are present. It is so much fun to climb vines as we, the endines, shift between the Heaven and the Earth. The magic passes to the Inner and Outer Worlds (at this point in the reading I went into a deep sleep and felt very peaceful when I awoke. This painting brings out my Inner Child because of the imaginative subject matter. There is lots of Love (pink) among the happy bears and unicorns. The wizard is standing over a beautiful amethyst.

Spread Your Wings

Spread Your Wings  10-25-08   Reading 1-21-13

You are to ride on the wings of a bird. You are restoring pleasure and freedom to your life as you learn to connect it all the more with nature. Notice each feather on a bird in flight. Feel the wind as it calls your name and says, "You can confide in me. I will take you where it is that you are meant to be. Whisper your wish to me. I want for your dreams to come true. I Am the Way and angels are my wings. I am your path that takes you toward preforming miracles". The grapes ferment into wine. Wine represents the blood of Christ. The painting is Communion, the remembrance of The Last Supper. Christ taught us that we can be free and fly with the bird. That we can do everything that Christ did and more. The bird in my painting is blessing and thanking the grapes for giving him nourishment, not just the energy but the Light to sustain him and give him strength. When I received Communion, I felt full of grace. This painting expounds on grace and abundance. When you are on the wings of an angel, you are enlightened.

I called on spirit to name this painting and was shown a napkin and then I thought 'unfold'. Spirit gave me the name!  Spread Your Wings!  My prayer before I began the painting contained the theme that We Are One. I made the request that All find strength and inspiration to recognize their God Self and to thus create what is meant accordingly.  It was then immediately evident to me that I should pick orange and purple wax. I viewed the painting from all four directions as I always do after the initial background play is done. I immediately saw the big bird and painted it. A bird in an Audubon book inspired me to do the front curve in the upper wing the way that I did it. If the painting is turned 180 degrees, there is another big bird.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Windows of the Soul

Windows of the Soul 11-9-09   Reading 1-5-13

We are going to take a journey with our space brothers. Tap into the universe as it portrays what you see He is in contact with them and I felt his energy. This is my spaceship. The lower left orb that you see is the reflection through the crystals of my spaceship. I thank Jesus for interceding during this reading. At the end of this reading, I closely examined my sparklng creedite in all its beauty. It reminds me of the crystal city in this painting. I also thank my selenite wand that has tiger eye, blue kyanite, and black kyanite. I use the wand in most of my readings there. There are many doors, vortexes, and entrances. As Jesus uses parables to symbolize moral lessons, these ways are chosen for us to find the Truth and Light. The sunset in all it's beauty and glory teaches us to reflect on our gratefulness. We are in touch with the Sun's warmth in our Heart center. This reflection is so healing for us. We remember our soul's journey through time. We remember the beauty of the Light reflecting on the huge crystals. We are One with the crystals as the beautiful Light dances with the sacred songs that are in our Heart. This painting portrays that Light. This painting also portrays a visit to Earth by the Agarthans and the beings that inhabit Inner Earth. This painting is a celebration of our Awakening. The spaceship appears as a spectrum from a prism that came on my canvas and stayed. That was my message to paint it there in the colors of the Heart flame. The tall magenta tree is connecting Heaven and Earth. An adept, a very spiritually evolved being that is in this tree is focused on the spaceship.

The Honor of Thy Father in Paradise

The Honor of Thy Father in Paradise 2-11-07   Reading 1-13-13

This painting was more unusual than any other painting in this regard. This painting almost entirely painted itself after I did the initial guided technique that I do to paint the background. I felt high energy and thought of Jesus. I got the word 'escapade' that has to do with His life in this connotation. He broke loose from any restrain of ego motivated rules. Then I ask what the message is for all. I hear the soft tinkling and ringing of bells and am told that we must listen to their gracious sound as the vibrations raise. I know that I am patiently waiting for a message to come that is extraordinary like the painting. I feel that the message is going to come at an unexpected time through an angel. I must wait. I feel good about this. I will be amazed when I know why there is the wait. The nature in which this message is coming through reflects the patience of  His life  while on  Earth. Jesus walked through life with fanatic deliberance. This painting is about Jesus's devotion to this cause that I believe is clearly stated in The Urantia Book, in Part IV,  The Life andTeachings of Jesus. His focus was continually on how He could teach others to honor His Father Who Art in Heaven. He had tremendous patience and discipline to only put his attention on what He wished to create. He held the presence of  Being in Light, Love, and Happiness to create strength and goodwill for others. Archangel Michael came to my mind and said, "Father of our Highest Good, Jesus wants us to know Him. I was guided to put the dark purple cross after everything was pretty well there. I did the most playing on the lower left section of the painting. I saw the kneeling figure from the beginning and then I saw the rest to also bring in.


Devotion 2-7-08   Reading 1-13-13

I feel a shimmering in my upper body and cough. I am meant to clear my chakras and continue. Jesus says, "Readily I say unto you that you have portrayed God in His magnificence by unusual circumstances". Like an inventor, accidentally, you have discovered (tapped into) magnificence that is rarely seen by any painter. This is truly a work of art! What a majestic color to reflect the hierarchical Domain of Heaven (the painting is content and soft like Kanika as I stroke her fur). The connection that you have with Kanika is subtle and the beauty that you have with her. Its essence portrays the human-nature connection with all Nature's elements and the elementals that are at working to create that beauty of Love. The magnificence of Love is captured so beautifully in this painting. There is an acknowledgement of the angels, elementals, and the diversity of man as they experience Earth in differing realms and times. The most dynamic earth shaking memories that come alive are created out of some of the simplest efforts that are made by mankind; the little things of which we are unaware but that are procured through the intervention of angel. Love is simple and subtle. It is an outreach, caring, and awareness of what is going on if we have others around us. Our responsibility shifts like gears to encompass the safety of our precious environment."
I discovered so many amazing things during the process of bringing the painting to life. They paint themselves. I am physically doing motions but they are all guided. Every day I discover something new. The techniques that I used to prepare the board with paint by brush and palette knife were rhythmic. I also used Reiki and I could feel a force moving both of my hands simultaneously. I have written in my paintings' log that the night before I finished the painting I was thinking, "Another board came alive. That is what they do!"  I thank you Jesus and St. Germain for your message and for your Light. Thank you sycamore, white and orange selenite, blue and black kyanite, tiger eye, labradorite, and lapis lazuli for your medicine. I appreciate your beauty, your protection and your guidance. The top painting that you see is the same painting but in the photo does not show its true color.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Eagle Dance

Eagle Dance  2-2-08   Reading 1-11- 13

I begin all my readings with the Lord's Prayer to raise the vibration. I noticed that when I sang 'forever', that I was sustaining ever until it became crystal clear. Sycamore and spider web jasper asked to partake in this reading:  I think of a sycamore tree towering above me. Then I am asked, "What wood did you choose to have with you at the birth of this painting? You see a bubbling brook. You are in the canoe. You are going along lazily with a dragonfly in your midst. The dragonfly is chanting the song that is in your Heart. You are beginning to remember;  to awaken. There is a grove of trees ahead. Raccoon is at the edge of the brook on the shaded earth. Turtle is nearby. Then you see a fox. You play your flute and realize that eagle is above in a tree. He says, "Follow the message as it is passed to hawk and then to the others and then to you". The message is carefully passed from Great White Spirit to you, (an Indian name for boy) in the canoe. Keep this message in your Heart as you hear the soft ripples of water dash upon the front of the canoe. The celebration in this painting is the heartfelt connection with Nature that you are seeking; what is in the Heart of the Indian boy. What you are seeking comes freely as does the Nature around you. The painting is showing the sacred story that you have always felt in your Heart, Dancing Dove. You are awakened like the rising Sun. Your memory is undaunted. Your memory is no longer in the brook's shade.

I keep thinking that this painting is a Southwestern painting. I hesitated to put greenery in the foreground but I am glad I did. The Indian that is dancing is the first thing that I saw. Then I only saw the bear's head at first. The lightning also has rhythm and forms the shape of a pioneer woman facing toward the right. The left side of the lightning forms the shape of an Indian elder.I also noticed that the setting sun is the precise size of the Indian's headdress. Painted this painting in one day.

Flower Fairy

Flower Fairy 12-23-07   Reading 1-8-13

The day before this reading I listened to the program on "Bridging Heaven" that presented Pete Shasta's remarkable story of the appearance of St. Germain and of how Pete acted on St.Germain's message and directions to him. I asked St. Germain to be with me for this reading. I prayed the following: My painting, my I Am Presence, reflects Perfection and Oneness Universally. May it in its aliveness, speak to me profoundly about what exactly it is doing to work with humanity. My answer is the following message: This message is from Melodie's Heart, from the fairy's Heart, from the flowers' Hearts, and from all the air and sky elementals that have created this work of art. It is portraying what goes on in our worlds in which humans are unaware. We are alive. We were also alive in the times of lore and legends. We dance with the delight that many humans now believe that we are among the blades of grass, the rocks, the embers of coals, the ripples of water, and the snowflakes. We dwell everywhere and in everything. Our Earth Mother loves us and keeps us well as your mothers do for you. This painting holds a lot of  Love, playfulness, and femininity. I, the fairy and the butterfly are not out in Nature. We are in Melodie's Heart. We are who shewants to be. We are who she seeks. And she is the Love that all of us are; that thankfulness and giving Heart, the Love that everyone receives, the Heart from God that has been so preciously given. This Heart holds gold; the Light of the brightest Sun.  Light shines down through the trees to the floor of the forest. The light also shines down through the stamens to the base of the flowers. One flower to the fairies is like a forest is to us. The fairy flies around to the flowers to send them energy. The butterfly is a tiger swallowtail. The flowers are announcing their beauty, their appreciation for life and honor to their visiter. The flower that is an orange ball intrigues me. It immediately looked so grand as soon as I saw it there and the way it proudly sat forward. It is so outgoing. The fairy is sweet and her short hair was evident as soon as I began drawing her.

High Spirited

High Spirited 1-10-10   Reading 1-5-13

I feel great warmth and peace as I bask in the sun at my picture window. Kanika is laying close to me. This reading is an extension of my 'Windows of the Soul' reading as a celebration to the Sun. Kanika's body language certainly shows me that she concurs. I am meant to feel the rhythm and heartbeat of this painting. My attention goes to a big mossy log that is laying on the floor of a forest. It says, " I am singing a Cree chant. There are fairies that are dancing around me. I am so enchanted with the Sun and how it filters down through the trees. The Native American Indians that are shape shifting into animals are hanging out to listen to my lessons. Everything in the forest is alive. There is simplicity in Nature. The forest speaks without words. The forest does not question whether or not it is healing. The forest knows that all it has to do is Be in solace and stillness to do what it is meant to do. The onyx that I am holding (that chose me for this reading) is showing me its' glitter, the stars. The willow log ( that I hold) reveals the magic of the forest, the liveliness of how life thrives there even if it is often unseen. On the left, there is a beautiful fairy that acknowledges the air element. She connects the wonders of the sky to the wonders of the forest. St. Germain, thank you for your presence during this reading.

The following message fits this painting well. I was inspired to write it after reading "The Recalibration of Dark and Light", Kryon through Lee Carroll, the first article in Sedona Journal of the Aug. 2012 edition. Light or darkness is cast by trees in degrees as we walk through a forest. Light or darkness is cast on us as we walk around people. We can negotiate the best through Light that is brought by high thought and consciousness. If we properly hold our high intentions of being Light-embodied, we will not sense the reluctancy to walk around people of lower consciousness. When we broadcast Light in the Now, we have angels standing by. Then I could hear the song "Aquarius". I am also meant to paint a black and white painting.

Deja Vu

12-18-06 Deja Vu    Reading 1-3-13

In focusing on an update of these significant times, this message is being effectively given as you have requested. This information is what is strongly represented here. The rising of the Phoenix is a dynamic event! The Earth is shaking as in the apocalypse. The Earth is shaking as it adjusts to your ascensions and the huge wake as a result of this major change. Most spectacular! The background colors of this painting were picked as a compliment to the green. However, I was being guided as I created it. Remember that the painting is alive. If you see people or glowing embers, they are everywhere. Please keep it in mind as you read this that I am referring to this particular painting. We are a vehicle that holds a sacred part of God. We are a channel of Light. The phoenix looks like a spaceship in the area of it's shoulders. Spaceships are free and fearless. Our burdens go free and we are fearless in our Ascension. There is a shaft of Light and a door at the bottom of the Phoenix. This is our gateway, our tunnel of Light, and our way to Nirvana.

The Phoenix is a monochromatic blue-green. The spacecraft represents out future. The golden door is our entrance to the New World. This is a world of excitement, intense Light, and a realization of dreams. The door has finally been opened to this new realm. There is a shaft of light from the spaceship ( Phoenix shoulder area) to the bottom of the painting where the doors are located. I stylized the Phoenix to look Native American. As the painting evolved and I realized that the spaceship was there, I thought of ancient Egypt and their space connection. It is as though this painting is saying that we are being awakened now to what was known back then.When I looked at the Phoenix, it was as though I had seen it before.

3:13 AM on 3-13-13

This is the best way that I can think to convey some things about me to you. At 3:13 A.M. at 3-13-13, I woke up and was aware that my Heart was speaking. I am my Heart; my Heart that is my truth and reflection of the Love that my parents instilled in me. I thank them for making a sensible, natural, quiet life available to me. It was the perfect environment to germinate my sensitivity that motivated me to be an artist and a musician, a 'cellist. I am close to Nature. I love to listen to Nature and honor Nature. When I am the closest to Nature, I feel the closest to God. I am so grateful to God  for giving me the gifts, the magic, the spark of God that I am meant to share. My reward in life has been to visually see the things as I accomplish them. I am a very visual person. I love bright colors. I have many interests and am eager to learn everything. People, other sparks of God related their realities of who they were and their experiences. The tide of life carries our gifts and blessing for us to share. This tide carries all the precious glimpses of things in which we can utilize to identify ourselves. We are the stars that shine on all humanity. I am intrigued by the ways that others express themselves through their facial expressions, body language, and other cultural diversities. These differences make our life so exciting  because they constantly add new dimensions to our lives. When I have a conversation with authentic, positive people; I am evolving as you introduce me to who I am and teach me of my Oneness. Now I understand why I am so happy during those times in my life.

I am the artist of the paintings that you see. My name is Melodie Luther Peterson. My mother Dorothy Luther was an oil painter and sculptress. My father Bill Luther was an electrical engineer and he took me for all my 'cello lessons and orchestra rehearsals until I went to college. I was an elementary teacher. The cat that you see with me in the picture is Kanika. 'Kanika' means black in Egyptian. She comes to me and lies on my lap for every reading that I do. She is my familiar. She gives me messages through her body language and helps the energy flow more readily. I foster cats and play in a college orchestra. I have always loved to sing. I love to do toning, which is channeling notes or chanting as well. I also love crossword puzzles, reading, scrabble, crossword puzzles, badminton, intuitive dancing and gardening. I have always been drawn to candles, natural woods, and hearts.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Rainbow Star

6-11-08 Rainbow Star   Reading 1-2-13

Each of our Being, our I am, is at the core, the center of this orb that represents Earth and her auras. This is also out picturing the entire universe with God as the divine Being that rules as Our Father in Paradise. The cross is the symbol of Christ and His honor and communication with his Father. There is an outpouring of Love that is sealing and protecting all of us from the dark cabal. We in many years past have been knights, Light Warriors.  Now we may rest in peace. Savor a lightness in the Heart from now on and be attentive to the stars, your heavenly hosts and hostesses that invite you to their domain (represented by the beads in the  center, the lotus.  The beads outside the flower represent us. The leaves emanate energy, the warmth that blooms the lotus and warms our Hearts. We have dignity and therefore respect for our Leader. He consistently emanates goodness and mirrors to us what is within ourselves. Then we create to honor Him and His Heavenly Hosts. The stone in the middle is the Sun and the bright colors are therefore there. The chartreuse represents our new birth, our spring, our awakening. Purple is high vibration, the fruits of our creation, our Higher Selves. Dark green honors all of Nature. The light blue is the area where peace resides and is sealed into our being with pink wax, then ultimately by the crystal ring which represents The Holy Grail and our crystalline make up. Relax and seek peace. It shall be with you. Soon you will be Home forever in Heaven on Earth.

After I did this reading and discovered what I had named the collage, I was deeply moved.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


 The themes of my guided prayer before beginning the painting were resilience, buoyancy, perseverance. I combed wax on to give the mountains a nice effect. I also played my Tibetan bowl.
Glorious colors fill your soul as they sweep through the painting. This is a celebration of Mother Earth's change. We are now awakening. We are more aware that she is One with us, that she is our Mother. The sea  is thriving with life. The sea and all its' inhabitants are also teachers and healers. The bottom of the sea is crystalline based. We are changing within our bodies to a more crystal form. As we change at an even rate with Mother Earth, our vibrations are compatible. As the lights blink on a Christmas tree, the fire sparks in our brain. As the fireflies blink magically, we blink our sacred Light magically which is a sacred part of Mother Earth's Light. We are all blinking our Light to celebrate our Oneness. Thanks be to God. And then I received as a grand conclusion of this reading the song "Joy to the World". How could any other words be more fitting!  I am thinking that a catalyst is coming into my life. We are blessed to celebrate life now in such a wonderful way.

   At 4:00 A.M. on 11-23-08, I rang my Tibetan bowl. Then I sent Love to anyone that I thought had been judgemental toward me.  This painting teaches me to be resilient, to go with the flow into the future, and to evolve more easily and more gracefully.

Monday, March 11, 2013

My Poem -- "Oh, Great Spirit"

Oh Great Spirit,
We give thanks for all life.
It is our gift from Great Spirit.

Our Heart is in the waking wind
That blows in the field of tall grass,
and carries messages to all our people.

Our Hearts are in the Fire
That make the embers glow and dance.
We are in love with all Nature.

Our body lies on Mother Earth as we breathe Her breath;
to give Her thanks and to give Her our Hearts.
She clears our minds, cleans our souls and holds peace.

Our Spirits are in the water that flows free as Mother Earth cleanses us.
She makes us whole.
We are reborn.
                Dancing Dove

Rekindled Life

11-19-09 "Rekindled Life"   Reading 12-31-12

The first thing when I invite all beings from the Other Side that wish to "Rekindle Life", my focus
goes to the golden eye. Is that why my focus is on my cats' golden eyes? I sense that the beings are in the golden eye. That is where the fire is of sacred empowerment and that is where the key to our lives is. It is as though the center of God Being is in our Heart, and is also within animals and birds' eyes. Look into their eyes and see the overflowing golden love that pours out to your soul. In this painting, it is as though the rest of the bird is the cosmos, that are patches of yin and yang and are feng shui'd. Its' Life is in the Now and One with all. Its' life has been rekindled. The beautiful blue is a restful color. "Snowbird" helps our being in healing us also; a tool that holds us in the Present, and puts our focus on what really matters. Therefore, this painting is alive and
works constantly to "Rekindle Life".

One World, One Family - part 1

11-28-09 One World, One Family   Reading 12-30-12

What shape do you see in the orange hair?  My answer was the dolphin. Distinguishable, aye! You are a captain from the high seas. When yo look down in the water you see a lot more than most. Your eye goes to the beings in the bottom of the sea that give the waves their gusto. The waves rise like giants and take over the helms of the sea. Monsters they are to us. The waves like crystal balls contains a lot of small scenes of events that unfold in life. The waves ebb and flow as the New World conjures up the energy in the crystal ball. This New World holds within it the Crystalline Likeness of God that binds us together as One; whether on the high seas or on land. Your space brothers see each of your shining lights glint in the waves of life. They are in the picture, too. The life painting of the Oneness is an extensive picture. Mother Earth is a crystal ball. She is the foundation of life. She holds the roots of all creation. She helps us create our home base. We are here to learn that we are "One World, One Family."

After I did the above reading I sat still and took in the warmth of a glowing fire. Al Law was
contacting me from the Other Side to remind me of how happy and empowered we felt as we experienced our first firewalk. Thank you, Al, my space brother, for coming to be with me. I also thank Archangel Raphael, the whales and dolphins, and the cherry trees for their truths.