The Honor of an Apparition 4-18-05 / Reading 3-13-25
I began by singing the Lord's Prayer repetitiously and felt inclined to sing the Hail Mary repetitiously as well. A picture of the Rosary came into mind. I am sensing the peace that comes over me when I am out in Nature. I am connecting to the sacredness of God's creation, Nature. One that connects with the rosary is making the connection to God that is in all our Hearts and one's intention is to ask for grace. The Hail Mary is a prayer to ask Mother Mary to give us grace because of our past faults, flaws, whatever. I had a dream
that was showing me that my faults were being erased. I was watching a dotted line pass through all the rows (lines) on a computer page until it got to the top and erasing all the words as it went. Mother Mary is about replacing a 1/2 empty glass of our ego based fear, guilt, doubt, confusion, impatience, misunderstand, etc. that we may view to a 1/2 full glass of GRACE. Nature is acknowledging all the LOVE that Our Blessed Mother Mary gives to us. Nature is acknowledging how loving She is to them and giving thankfulness for that LOVE. By their gracefulness in dancing, the fairies are honoring Her Grace Fullness.

This is another reading that I did on 2-26-13 for this painting. Before I began the above reading this morning, I kept getting that something is wrong and I didn't know what it was. I had forgotten that I did this reading: I sang the Lords Prayer, (Kanika put her up and then put her mouth up to mine). You are precious souls, Jesus and Mother Mary. You are our scouts as we hike through life. We have many surprises, experiences, and memories that are at work in many minds. "Seek and you shall find the Kingdom of Heaven", glorious and pure with pristine waters. We may choose to live life artfully. Don't disguise what comes across your path, (it began to sleet and Kanika began washing her paw). "Go Tell it on the Mountain" came to mind for me to sing. (Kanika moved so that her head was facing west) which is unusual for her. Some of the characteristics of west are inner spiritual renewal, visions, and goals. Every color is represented here. Relax and Truth allows the waters to flow that free you. Truth rushes forth in amazing places and awakens as it goes. ( I think of the line that zipped over the entire page to renew and heal me) and our ONENESS. Thank you Mother Mary, Jesus, my wand, citrine, amethyst, the direction west for your LOVE and GRACE.