Sunday, March 17, 2013

Eagle Dance

Eagle Dance  2-2-08   Reading 1-11- 13

I begin all my readings with the Lord's Prayer to raise the vibration. I noticed that when I sang 'forever', that I was sustaining ever until it became crystal clear. Sycamore and spider web jasper asked to partake in this reading:  I think of a sycamore tree towering above me. Then I am asked, "What wood did you choose to have with you at the birth of this painting? You see a bubbling brook. You are in the canoe. You are going along lazily with a dragonfly in your midst. The dragonfly is chanting the song that is in your Heart. You are beginning to remember;  to awaken. There is a grove of trees ahead. Raccoon is at the edge of the brook on the shaded earth. Turtle is nearby. Then you see a fox. You play your flute and realize that eagle is above in a tree. He says, "Follow the message as it is passed to hawk and then to the others and then to you". The message is carefully passed from Great White Spirit to you, (an Indian name for boy) in the canoe. Keep this message in your Heart as you hear the soft ripples of water dash upon the front of the canoe. The celebration in this painting is the heartfelt connection with Nature that you are seeking; what is in the Heart of the Indian boy. What you are seeking comes freely as does the Nature around you. The painting is showing the sacred story that you have always felt in your Heart, Dancing Dove. You are awakened like the rising Sun. Your memory is undaunted. Your memory is no longer in the brook's shade.

I keep thinking that this painting is a Southwestern painting. I hesitated to put greenery in the foreground but I am glad I did. The Indian that is dancing is the first thing that I saw. Then I only saw the bear's head at first. The lightning also has rhythm and forms the shape of a pioneer woman facing toward the right. The left side of the lightning forms the shape of an Indian elder.I also noticed that the setting sun is the precise size of the Indian's headdress. Painted this painting in one day.

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