11-28-09 One World, One Family Reading 12-30-12
What shape do you see in the orange hair? My answer was the dolphin. Distinguishable, aye! You are a captain from the high seas. When yo look down in the water you see a lot more than most. Your eye goes to the beings in the bottom of the sea that give the waves their gusto. The waves rise like giants and take over the helms of the sea. Monsters they are to us. The waves like crystal balls contains a lot of small scenes of events that unfold in life. The waves ebb and flow as the New World conjures up the energy in the crystal ball. This New World holds within it the Crystalline Likeness of God that binds us together as One; whether on the high seas or on land. Your space brothers see each of your shining lights glint in the waves of life. They are in the picture, too. The life painting of the Oneness is an extensive picture. Mother Earth is a crystal ball. She is the foundation of life. She holds the roots of all creation. She helps us create our home base. We are here to learn that we are "One World, One Family."
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