Crossing Over 1-31-07 Reading 2-24-13
I received two messages. The first message came to me after I lit a candle and prayed to Spirit. I saw an adorable little being that I focused on for ten minutes. Then I received this message before I began the painting. There have been times when you stumbled mentally, physically, and spiritually. There are lots of times also that the decision is made to move forward. Let the energy go. You are well guarded. Concentrate on high thought, sturdy pace, and what can be done for your future. All of us love you.You will be okay as you set sail in uncharted waters.The uncharted waters are cleansing waters that are full of Spirit. These waters are watching over everyone that you love. Everything is in degrees as it may be needed. You wish that you were Home. YOU ARE ALWAYS Home. It is only a small part of you that is caught up in the dis-
heartening illusion. Do not feel disparaged. This will all pass. Simultaneously, you are always whole and wanted. YOU ARE SO LOVED! You have been a Light for many eons. As I wrote the last word the candle went out. There was synchronicity that followed. I read the message to my dear friend Betty Mavity. Within two minutes, my eldest son Andy walked in the door. I then looked at the painting that I have hanging above my statue Hope and got these words: HOME IS EVERYWHERE YOU GO.
The following reading is the one that I did on 2-24-13: This is meant to be a profound lesson ; our Awakening! The power and grandeur of Being has substance (I am holding my painting "Crossing Over" and my hands and arms are shaking) and I am Truth. A being just touched my hand in typing this. We angels, guides, masters and all the beings of Light are the silence of Nature. Your attention at this moment of a life lesson is focused on the roar and the might of that wave. And then there is silence. And then comes another swell in life. These waves are beckoned by the Earth to be grounded among each unique grain of sand. Everything in the painting is one of the grains of sand. Each grain has its own waves. The lessons are infinite. One lesson creates a new Truth and a new lesson and a way for Love to bond us together as One. And we are our Oneness that glorifies Source. Note that at the bottom right corner of this painting that there is an angel bidding a soul ( a sparky form on a path) to go to the Light. I thank the adorable little being for her message. I am always thankful to all of you beings of Light that work with me and you know that I have always been thankful for you and eager to work with you. I thank willow and my beautiful sparkly brown and white ball (rock) that has amazing energy. I thank you and my wand for Light.
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