Tunnel of Light 11-19-09 Reading 2-23-13
I asked that this painting go from my mighty I Am Presence to the mighty I Am Presence of the person that receives it and that they be blessed with peace, understanding, compassion, and Light. I felt heat coming up from the painting to the palms of my hands. I feel like I Am above and in peace. I Am aware of my breath and the Breath of Life. Energy reigns down from Heaven. It is abundant and it is our choice in how we use it. It never runs out. Our body is our home that is wired with energy. We choose when to use the switch. If we are willing to utilize the energy in a bright and giving way, the Light travels farther.We switch on the Light by getting in that space of total peace. Then the Light extinguishes any obstacles that are on it's path. The tunnel is our portal to Nirvana. The dragon represents the Light in our God Self, the Light that is in our Heart Center. He is guarding the path to Paradise. I feel that the man is oriental that is in the upper right corner. I was drawn to the shape of leaves that would have an oriental flavor. I am thinking right now that this man represents our Higher Self. Thank you Jesus and St. Germain for your energy when I was painting. Thank you Celestina for shining a bright golden Light over me during the reading. Thank you white selenite, tiger eye, and blue and black kyanite that is in my wand also for protection. Thank you chinese flourite and green calcite for your medicine.
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