Let There Be Light 3-21-08 Reading 2-15-13
Good Friday was the day before I began this painting. I prayed to Jesus and told Him that this painting is in the honor and the rememberance of Him. I prayed that Jesus would appear in the painting. On Holy Saturday, I began the painting. I saw that Mary, Joseph, and the baby are in the lower left corner of the painting. They all appear as One. Then the message came to me that the angel by them is bidding them Goodwill, Happiness, and Health. Also I received in the message that you are seeing everything simultaneously in the painting. However, the painting captures different realms. There is no time only various events. It is significant in considering the content of the painting, that I was guided to do it at the time that I did. It is interesting to me that I am typing this reading of the painting at the same time of the year that the painting was created. On 3-23-08, it is a Happy Easter indeed! This morning Jesus did come to me. He is in the forefront of the painting and I sobbed the whole time that I painted Him and I am right now. My Heart has always told me that I was with Him when He accomplished His mission on Earth. When I finished the painting, the word 'Golgotha' popped on my mind. I then received the words, "Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the Earth."
The following is the reading:
First thing, I was drawn to the table. It is levitated. From the very beginning of the painting, I saw the water spouting up from the bottom of the cross. This symbolizes cleansing. There is an announcement by a bird that I hear. She is saying, "I bring you Light and cheer". There are variant degrees of light that are represented here. Christ is the Lightest. He is doing a demonstration. Everything in the painting is giving us a lesson. The bird sings our triumph of awakening and having a new life. Her presence is magic! I did not spot her right away because she is bigger than I would have expected. Christ is not speaking. He is communicating to our ability to listen and sense what our bodies are telling us. Each of you will get a different lesson. I am going to share my lesson with you. When I ask, "what is my lesson?", I see my grandmother (I do not recognize her but know that is who she is). She has a book that symbolizes the wisdom that she beholds. It is her instantaneous truth. Our truths and own reality change as we evolve and create. There is not right or wrong. There is truth or non truth. We create emotion through thought. As we create, our Spirits soar when our Hearts are touched. Christ is saying by his expression, do not judge. There is a reason for everything. Thank you Jesus for your Light and lessons and for your appearance in the painting as I had requested. Thank you Ama for your surprise appearance as well. I just understand at this moment why it was that you appeared and what part of your lesson to me is. You were a being that gave Love and was such an example of Love. You never judged me and you were such a great listener. You always showed respect to everyone. I love you dearly grandma!
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