Friday, March 22, 2013

Eternal Wisdom

Eternal Wisdom  2-14-08  /   Reading 3-22-13

I sang the Lords Prayer to raise the vibrations and when I sang 'eternal' I felt that it was suspended in air. I held the painting and received the word obtainable.  Kanika curled up like a ball on my lap and had an exceptional contentment. While I am typing this message, my charteux cat Shikura is sitting in the hall and intently staring at me. I am wondering if she is picking up on something that will turn into being an added message. Well here is the reading so far :  Remember the wisdom that has been gathered as wheat for the Bread of Life.  Wisdom is also like cheese. During the churning process of  the ingredients energy is forming the results of the ingredients (which in the context of cheese) is a perfect, circular, solid form. After cheese has aged, its goodness is sealed in. Now I'm going to make an analogy. Our ingredients which is knowledge is churned by energy into a form that solidifies and ages. That form is wisdom that is eternal. There are two owls in the painting. The owls represent silent wisdom. The deer teach gentleness. The gentleman in the
painting is acknowledging the woman and showing gentleness and love. One that has wisdom is gentle. I heard a crow caw during the time I was getting this message. The crow is working with us in gaining wisdom by helping connect us to our past lives. We in our process of evolving have hopefully gained in our quality of goodness (like cheese).  I hope that this message was not too cheesy for you and that you acquired some wisdom ( the substance) from it. This is the morning after I typed this reading. I woke up saying, "There is a reason that Eternal Wisdom asked me to do the reading on it when I did. This is the point at which you have truly acquired the knowing of Oneness and the acceptability of all".

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