Glorious colors fill your soul as they sweep through the painting. This is a celebration of Mother Earth's change. We are now awakening. We are more aware that she is One with us, that she is our Mother. The sea is thriving with life. The sea and all its' inhabitants are also teachers and healers. The bottom of the sea is crystalline based. We are changing within our bodies to a more crystal form. As we change at an even rate with Mother Earth, our vibrations are compatible. As the lights blink on a Christmas tree, the fire sparks in our brain. As the fireflies blink magically, we blink our sacred Light magically which is a sacred part of Mother Earth's Light. We are all blinking our Light to celebrate our Oneness. Thanks be to God. And then I received as a grand conclusion of this reading the song "Joy to the World". How could any other words be more fitting! I am thinking that a catalyst is coming into my life. We are blessed to celebrate life now in such a wonderful way.

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