Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Honor of a Timely Gift

The Honor or a Timely Gift 12-9-08  /  Reading 3-29-13

I sang the Lord's Prayer and rang my Tibetan bowl. Kanika would show up but only periodically stay for a moment and then leave. This is unusual for her but I am thinking now that she did not want to interfere with the energy. Something else that is unusual; a flamingo feather, lilac branch, and creedite asked that I receive their individual attributes before I do the reading of the painting. I feel energy motion (aliveness) in the feminine aspect of Buddha. I get seeking inner strength, feel warmth in the flamingo feather and cry (connection to truth and release of toxins). Flamingo says,"We are One, my dear. We flock together so it is not just one of us that is represented here. Look to us for wisdom and strength. Creedite says "I am One with all life. Look to me for wisdom and innter strength."  My attention went directly to the tiny lilac flowers. These tiny flowers are what make up each cluster (single flower).  I was viewing their pinkish lilac color. Lilac said, " You are each delicate and beautiful and at One with us. Buddha then said, "The artist that created the Tibetan bowl honors me. This bowl in its intricate beauty resonates life and breath, dear one. When I appeared to Vicki during yoga, you had just been called to my bowl the day before.. You realized that I, Buddha, was presenting it to you. I chose for you to hold the honor for me; that your Heart is pure and that my honor is sacred to you. The bowl resonates with the song in your Heart. I waited for the person to pick the bowl that I knew would resonate with their Heart. That is how all the bowls are picked ". Then I held the flamingo feather, lilac, creedite, and wand to my chest. As soon as I did that I pictured a Tibetan bowl that was containing Nature's creations, all of Earths' rocks, feathers, etc. and also pictured energy spiraling upward from the bowl to honor our Creator. "You painted this painting to honor me and as the balance of my feminine aspect". I began this painting on 12-1-08. The next morning I woke up knowing that I had a vision:  A large Buddha should be painted over a moon. This thought I received eleven days after I had finished the painting and received these words that I would like to share:  integration in Light of humanity and the heavenly bodies and the vibrations.


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