Monday, March 18, 2013


Devotion 2-7-08   Reading 1-13-13

I feel a shimmering in my upper body and cough. I am meant to clear my chakras and continue. Jesus says, "Readily I say unto you that you have portrayed God in His magnificence by unusual circumstances". Like an inventor, accidentally, you have discovered (tapped into) magnificence that is rarely seen by any painter. This is truly a work of art! What a majestic color to reflect the hierarchical Domain of Heaven (the painting is content and soft like Kanika as I stroke her fur). The connection that you have with Kanika is subtle and the beauty that you have with her. Its essence portrays the human-nature connection with all Nature's elements and the elementals that are at working to create that beauty of Love. The magnificence of Love is captured so beautifully in this painting. There is an acknowledgement of the angels, elementals, and the diversity of man as they experience Earth in differing realms and times. The most dynamic earth shaking memories that come alive are created out of some of the simplest efforts that are made by mankind; the little things of which we are unaware but that are procured through the intervention of angel. Love is simple and subtle. It is an outreach, caring, and awareness of what is going on if we have others around us. Our responsibility shifts like gears to encompass the safety of our precious environment."
I discovered so many amazing things during the process of bringing the painting to life. They paint themselves. I am physically doing motions but they are all guided. Every day I discover something new. The techniques that I used to prepare the board with paint by brush and palette knife were rhythmic. I also used Reiki and I could feel a force moving both of my hands simultaneously. I have written in my paintings' log that the night before I finished the painting I was thinking, "Another board came alive. That is what they do!"  I thank you Jesus and St. Germain for your message and for your Light. Thank you sycamore, white and orange selenite, blue and black kyanite, tiger eye, labradorite, and lapis lazuli for your medicine. I appreciate your beauty, your protection and your guidance. The top painting that you see is the same painting but in the photo does not show its true color.

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