11-19-09 "Rekindled Life" Reading 12-31-12
The first thing when I invite all beings from the Other Side that wish to "Rekindle Life", my focus goes to the golden eye. Is that why my focus is on my cats' golden eyes? I sense that the beings are in the golden eye. That is where the fire is of sacred empowerment and that is where the key to our lives is. It is as though the center of God Being is in our Heart, and is also within animals and birds' eyes. Look into their eyes and see the overflowing golden love that pours out to your soul. In this painting, it is as though the rest of the bird is the cosmos, that are patches of yin and yang and are feng shui'd. Its' Life is in the Now and One with all. Its' life has been rekindled. The beautiful blue is a restful color. "Snowbird" helps our being in healing us also; a tool that holds us in the Present, and puts our focus on what really matters. Therefore, this painting is alive and works constantly to "Rekindle Life".
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